Well, yesterday is our Swinburne degree intake 2008 orientation day. And all the clubs given a chance to perform or have a talk on the stage and setting up the booth in the auditorium. Also, obviously our DanceSport Club will perform a dance. hehe...
Oh well, you can see that i'm the lousiest dancer among all of us. That is because i've only start practise and only practise in just one day, that is during friday. I'm so lack of attitude. Oh gosh..well, just don't care so much liao lah...if i say too much then someone will say me did not appreciate it. LOLZZ!! Oh ya, by the way, this is my first performance. However, i'm still not satisfy with it. (K k k k....don't talk about my lousy performance again, i still appreciate it ok? Duh~~)
And below is my 6-steps, one of the breakdance move.